angelbaby67's Diaryland Diary



It's a quiet Saturday evening as I sit here reflecting on the past, looking at past diary enteries. It's funny how you look back at your past thoughts and see how much you have grown as a person.

I spent the majority of my past thinking about how people did me wrong (mainly family members), it taught me to stop worrying about people, do the things I can do to improve myself and stop waiting for people to come and rescue me. I use to always wonder why I could be there for other people and these same people couldn't be there for me. It basically taught me to look out for my own well being and stop relying on others.

If I need money for whatever, then save it, if I need to get something done then do it. "STOP agravating yourself with unreliable and undependable people, STOP IT!!!

I'm learning to "JUST DO IT!" and stop waiting and procrastating. And it's "A GREAT" feeling.

6:19 p.m. - Saturday, Mar. 10, 2007


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