angelbaby67's Diaryland Diary


"Another Rainy Weekend"

"Another Rainy Weekend"

Over the last past weekends, we had lots of rain. "Rain, rain, go away come back another day". I'm ready for some summer sunshine right about now, but I do realize God knows better.

The kids will be out of school very soon, which is great. This is their last week, and k and I need a much needed vacation to get away from the city for a while.

I'm really looking forward to this vacation because I havn't been out of town in a while. On to A then on to T. The family reunion will be in T this year, but guess what? I'm not looking forward to going. The fronters will be there pretending that they are so glad to see everyone.... Not. Why do people act like they are so glad to see you, when they're not?

I guess we do it out of kindness or trying to be cordial. To tell you the truth there are some without a kind bone in their bodies. Just like I thougt, just a front LOL. People are funny, sometimes you just have to laugh at them because some act so stupid.

Still deciding should I make that move to D, I have to pray about that. You really can't rush into something you are not sure of. If it's God's will He will show me. I'm really having doubts about it. Some places are nice to visit and that's all. I'm looking for a new change but I don't know if it's in that direction. Anyhow, I won't stress myself about it.

Next thing on my plate, getting serious about and starting my own business. I've been putting it off for a while and now it's time to get serious about it. Wherever I decide to live, it's time to get real serious about getting it up and running. If I move to D C said that she would help me with it. If I stay here, I can still do it but I will be doing it alone in the beginning. I must have trustworthy people that I can fully depend on. "What must I do with this business"? "PUSH", push until it materializes.

Time to get focus on this dream and make it become a reality. No playing around anymore. While k is out of school, this is the perfect time to start. Well... I guess it's time to get up from this computer and call it a night. As my mother use to say when I was a child, "Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite". I know it sounds a bit corny, but it's cute. :-)

10:20 p.m. - Sunday, Jun. 22, 2003


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