angelbaby67's Diaryland Diary


A Quiet Rainy Day!

A quiet rainy day, didn't do much but stay in the house; K and I did some reading which was very interesting. I'm trying to get him to read more things of interest to spark his learning abilities. Reading is so important; it's amazing how educating oneself through reading can open a great door of possibilities that can take you very far. Ignorance of a thing can hold you back; knowledge is powerful.

Working on cutting down my online time on the internet. So many fascinting websites to visit and so many things to do. I jump around from site to site. I really do enjoy being on my computer, it's a doorway to much information, like having an encyclopedia
but 100 times better. Anything I want to know is at my fingertips, imagine that "YAHOO!" and it's my personal PC. I can do what I want when I want without asking anyone else's permission.

Ok here I am again on my computer past 12 midnight, it's exactly 12:40AM; I'm getting off soon, I hope LOL :D .

11:56 p.m. - Wednesday, Apr. 04, 2007


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