angelbaby67's Diaryland Diary


Get Rid Of It

Empty your mental trash can of any emotional clutter and stinkin' thinkin'. Focus on your priority for this day. Do the best you can right now where are and with what you have. It's only a matter of time before your change comes.

Start giving thanks right now for the wonderful breakthrough about to happen in your life.

Get Rid Of It by Jewel Diamond Taylor

"If you never emptied the trash in your home, there would

soon be a fowl smell. It's the same with your mind. If you don't release

old thoughts, your life becomes bitter with stinkin' thinkin' and

emotional clutter.

Empty your mental trash can of any stressful or painful thoughts.

Don't allow the irritations and challenges of this day or your past

to steal your joy.

Your success will come as you grow in courage, faith, discipline,

a sense of humor and a sense of purpose and strength.

Don't sweat the small stuff. I agree with Oprah's statement...

�Doing the best you can at this moment puts you in the best place

for the next moment.�

Don't spend too much time with people who drain your energy.

Whenever you are ready have the choice and power within to let go and grow in peace. Count your blessings. Change your point view. Each moment is a gift to you. Listen and enjoy the song "Count It All Joy" by BeBe and CeCe Winans.

Focus on your priority for this day. Do the best you can right now where are and with what you have. It's only a matter of time before your change comes.

Start giving thanks right now for the wonderful breakthrough about to happen in your life.

That's right up straight...shake off the heavy stress, speak and walk with courage, faith, peace, love and joy.

Until further notice...God is in control."

~ Jewel Diamond Taylor

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Jewel Diamond Taylor � 2005

10:51 p.m. - Monday, Mar. 26, 2007


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